The cuisine of Switzerland - Europe

Europe Switzerland CH
Aargau Appenzell ausserrhoden Appenzell innerrhoden Basel-Landschaft Basel-stadt Bern Fribourg Geneva Glarus Graubbunden Jura Luzern Neuchatel Nidwalden Obwalden Schaffhausen Schwyz Solothurn St. Gallen Thurgau Ticino Uri Valais Vaud Zug Zurich

The foods of Switzerland

Cuisine is influenced by the cooking of
Switzerland - See the recipes

Appetizer recipes

Cuchaule - saffron bread recipe

Main recipes

Endives meuniere Jaeger schnitzel Potato cake

Side dishes recipes

Potato cake

Dessert recipes

Chocolate orange torte with raspberry coulis Chocolate pie with raspberries Chocolate raspberry tart

Cooking in Switzerland