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Irish coffee | wefacecook.com Irish coffee | wefacecook.com


Serves: 1
If they like it, it serves 1 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: No cooking required
Totaltime: 5 minutes

Cream, rich as an Irish brogue;
Coffee, strong as a friendly hand;
Sugar, sweet as the tongue of a rogue;
Whiskey, smooth as the wit of the land


  • 2 ounces Irish whiskey
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons brown sugar (or to taste)
  • black coffee (hot and strong)
  • whipped cream


  • In a pre-warmed stemmed heatproof glass or a pre-warmed coffee mug, pour in whisky, then add sugar and pour in coffee up to within 1/2-inch of rim. Stir well to dissolve sugar.
    Fill to the brim with whipped cream. Serve, enjoy, relax!
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