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See more recipes to discover the world through food in Italy

Featured Recipes for Italy Cuisine

While many countries have local culinary styles that differ from region to region, in Italy these differences are much more pronounced. This is not surprising considering the shape of the country – long and narrow, surrounded by the sea and with big mountains in the North.
Add to that the fact that Italy became a unified nation only in 1861, after having mainly been a confederation of states for the previous thousand of years, and this diversity becomes even more obvious.
The Italian menu is typically structured in much the same way all over Italy, with an antipasto, primo, secondo and dessert.
Typical Italian foods and dishes include assorted appetizers (antipasti misti), all types of pasta, risotto and pizza, soups (minestroni and zuppe) and delicious meat and fish dishes.
The main regional differences are in the sources of carbohydrates, the origin of the proteins and the choice of vegetables or contorni (side dishes).

The RAINBOW of Spring in Italy